Suffering, Persecution and Martyrdom

Theological Reflections including the Bad Urach Statement

Suffering, Persecution and Martyrdom: The Bad Urach Consultation in 2009 worked on “Developing an evangelical theology of suffering, persecution and martyrdom for the global church in mission”. This volume presents the resultant Bad Urach Statement and most of the papers connected to this study process. …
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Artikelnummer: 540008000
EAN/ISBN: 9783862690084
Produktart: Bücher
Einband: Paperback
Maße: 14 x 21 cm
Umfang: 360 S.
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 22.06.2011
Suffering, Persecution and Martyrdom: The Bad Urach Consultation in 2009 worked on “Developing an evangelical theology of suffering, persecution and martyrdom for the global church in mission”. This volume presents the resultant Bad Urach Statement and most of the papers connected to this study process.

In my global travels, I encounter persecution and religious liberty issues as a prime challenge to the Christian church.
Dr Geoff Tunnicliffe, International Director, World Evangelical Alliance

Mission is being done in the context of suffering and persecution and to undergird it with a solid biblical and theological foundation is the need of the hour.
Godfrey Yogarajah, Executive Director, Religious Liberty Commission, World Evangelical Alliance

From the perspective of reflective practitioners in church and mission leadership, we thank God for the Bad Urach Statement.
Bertil Ekström, Executive Director, WEA Mission Commission
Dr William Taylor, Global Ambassador, WEA and the Mission Commission

The dimensions of persecution and martyrdom are at the heart of the biblical faith in both Testaments, and need to be given much more theological attention, such as this consultation did.
Rev Dr Christopher JH Wright, Chair, Lausanne Theology Working Group

The Religious Freedom Series is dedicated to the scholarly discourse on the issue of religious freedom in general and the persecution of Christians in particular. It is an interdisciplinary, international, peer reviewed, scholarly series, serving the interests of religious freedom. The Religious Freedom Series is produced by the International Institute for Religious Freedom,
Bonn - Cape Town - Colombo