Values and Spirituality in Social Work Practice

The positive historical relationship between the social work profession and the Christian faith is widely known and accepted. However, the secularisation of the helping professions (including social work) has lead to important changes in the way practitioners are able to connect their personal values to their professional practice. The present book addresses this complex issue from a variety of angles. Thus, it aims to serve as a bibliographical resource and a stimulus to further reflection for …
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Artikelnummer: 540020000
EAN/ISBN: 9783862690206
Produktart: Bücher
Einband: Paperback
Maße: 14,7 x 20,7 cm
Umfang: 290 S.
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 31.10.2011
The positive historical relationship between the social work profession and the Christian faith is widely known and accepted. However, the secularisation of the helping professions (including social work) has lead to important changes in the way practitioners are able to connect their personal values to their professional practice. The present book addresses this complex issue from a variety of angles. Thus, it aims to serve as a bibliographical resource and a stimulus to further reflection for those who are willing to explore the relationship between their social work profession and their Christian faith, as well as those who are interested in the notion of values and spirituality in the helping professions.

Dr. Alexandru Neagoe is an associate professor of the Social Work Department of the West University of Timisoara, Romania, and director of the master’s program “Values-Centered Social Work Practice” in the same department. He is also a pastor of the First Baptist Church, “Betel”, Timisoara, and president of the Areopagus Centre for Christian Studies and Contemporary Culture ( Dr. Neagoe has published numerous books and articles in the areas of theology, social work and human rights. He holds a BA and a PhD from Brunel University, London, UK. His PhD thesis, The Trial of the Gospel: An Apologetic Reading of Luke’s Trial Narratives was published by Cambridge University Press in 2002 and reprinted in 2005.