Responsible Stewardship of God's Creation

Revised Edition

"This book by a mastermind of integrating theology and ecology surveys the pressing global and local environmental issues and seeks to provide biblical and theological insights for Christians concerned with the ecological and environmental challenges being confronted today. Breaking away from academic or spiritual perspectives, the author seeks integrated solutions for sustainability of God’s creation. Stewardship is considered as the wisest option to engage in conserving creation for future …
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Artikelnummer: 540061000
EAN/ISBN: 9783862690619
Produktart: Bücher
Einband: Paperback
Maße: 14 x 21 cm
Umfang: 126 S.
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 24.05.2014
"This book by a mastermind of integrating theology and ecology surveys the pressing global and local environmental issues and seeks to provide biblical and theological insights for Christians concerned with the ecological and environmental challenges being confronted today. Breaking away from academic or spiritual perspectives, the author seeks integrated solutions for sustainability of God’s creation. Stewardship is considered as the wisest option to engage in conserving creation for future generations.
The book has been a global success in the late 1990ies at times, when its topic still was outside the scope of most scholars, and has been updated by the author to the present day situation.