Leadership and Ethical Responsibility: The Three Aspects of every Decision

Deutsche Übersetzung von "Führen in ethischer Verantwortung"
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Artikelnummer: 540072000
EAN/ISBN: 9783862690725
Produktart: Bücher
Einband: Paperback
Maße: 14 x 21 cm
Umfang: 147 S.
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 18.11.2013
Englische Übersetzung von "Führen in ethischer Verantwortung": Wie können Verantwortliche in Wirtschaft, Politik und Kirche vernatwortlich entscheiden?

Executives often do not know how to build a bridge between their underlying values and the continual requirements of everyday working life. The author sees a main problem in the way that within Christianity the three sides of ethical decisions have been played off against each other. However, one finds in the Bible that commandments, wisdom, and the heart all belong inseparably together. Therefore, norms, the particular situation, and existential concern all have to be considered in order to make mature decisions.