Cross-Cultural Couples

Loving against all odds.

Cross-cultural couples - whether as friends or in a marriage relationship - are embarking upon an exciting adventure. They will be confronted not only by their individual personality differences, but must also come to terms with their differing cultural identities. That is the theme of this book: how have I grown up and how have I been culturally moulded? Which world view lies dormant within me? Why do we misunderstand one another so often and talk past each other?...
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Artikelnummer: 568122000
EAN/ISBN: 9783981723823
Verlag: MühlanMedien
Produktart: Bücher
Einband: Paperback
Maße: 14,7 x 20,9 cm
Umfang: 160 S.
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.06.2016
Cross-cultural couples - whether as friends or in a marriage relationship - are embarking upon an exciting adventure. They will be confronted not only by their individual personality differences, but must also come to terms with their differing cultural identities. That is the theme of this book: how have I grown up and how have I been culturally moulded? Which world view lies dormant within me? Why do we misunderstand one another so often and talk past each other?...