Sharing Lives

Course book

Throughout Europe Christians and Muslims live in close proximity to each other. Unfortunately, they are essentially strangers to each other. What is it that hinders Christians fromsharing their lives with Muslims? …
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Artikelnummer: 860800202
EAN/ISBN: 9783957762023
Produktart: Bücher
Einband: Paperback
Maße: 15,2 x 22,9 cm
Umfang: 78 S.
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.02.2016
A Course to help Christians share their lives with Muslims
Throughout Europe Christians and Muslims live in close proximity to each other. Unfortunately, they are essentially strangers to each other. What is it that hinders Christians fromsharing their lives with Muslims?

The course Sharing Lives has been developed to help Christians in Europe overcome
their negative attitudes: fear of Islam and Muslims, as well as their prejudice and suspicion regarding Islam and Muslims. This course is intended to help Christians learn to respond with grace in order that they might share their lives with Muslims.